Teacher Appreciation Week

Teacher Appreciation Week

FCBA celebrates our Teachers, Assistant Teachers and Resource Teachers the week of May 4th—8th. We designate each day as a special day for your child to bring in a special item. Monday— bring a flower Tuesday—bring a piece of candy Wednesday—bring a child created...
Gift Basket Fund Raising Dinner

Gift Basket Fund Raising Dinner

Our annual Gift Basket fundraising dinner will be held on April 16, 2015 from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.. We will have Mr. Mike”s famous Spaghetti and Kilwins will be here with their Ice Cream bar. Reservations must be in by the 10th. We are so very grateful for...
Spring Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

Spring Parent Teacher Conference Sign Up

We are preparing for our second conferences this year. Each Teacher has listed dates and times to meet with each family. Please take a minute to stop in either at drop off or pick up to sign up for a conference time that fits your schedule! Conferences are scheduled...