Keeping Everyone Healthy

Preschool Health and Safety Practices
Children’s health and safety are our top priorities. Working together we can take assertive measures to protect our children and keep them in good health. Our preschool is implementing advanced measures to keep children safe and reduce the risks of spreading communicable illnesses.

New Drop off Procedures
1) A teacher will joyfully greet each child in the carpool line and provide a health and temperature check prior to parent/guardian leaving. This procedure will slow down the drop off process, but we will work as quickly as possible to complete.
2) We cannot admit any child exhibiting any of the following symptoms into the program:
• Fever of 100.4 or above
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Chills*
• Repeated shaking with chills*
• Muscle pain*
• Headache*
• Sore throat*
• New loss of taste or smell*
• Has had any contact with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19; is under investigation for *COVID-19; or is ill with a respiratory illness in the previous 14 days

Pick up procedures
Students will be dismissed in the carpool line only. We can no longer allow parents to wait in the Welcome center for walk-in pick up.
During Open house you will need to submit a photocopy of the picture ID for anyone on your pick up list and notify the office when someone other than parents are picking up.

Increased Handwashing Practices
1. Children will wash their hands before joining activities in the classroom and departing from the classroom.
2. Children will wash hands before and after meals, before and after potty times, after table activities, after coming in from the playground.
3. Staff may/shall utilize masks and gloves as needed throughout the day.

Modified Sick Policy
1. Children with a temperature exceeding 99 degrees will be excluded from the group, and parent/guardian must pick up within 30 minutes of being notified.
2. Children may return to school 72 hours after being fever free without medication and with a doctor’s note stating the child may return to group care.
3. If a child enrolled in the school or anyone in the child’s family tests positive for COVID-19, the office must be notified immediately and all those who have come in contact must self-quarantine for 14 days.
4. When we have been made aware of a confirmed case of COVID-19, we will send out an email health alert. We will bring in a professional company to disinfect our building and any staff that has come in contact with the infected individual will be placed on a 14 day leave.
5. Families who have traveled out of the country or to other states deemed hot spots by the CDC must self-quarantine for 14 days upon return before returning to school.

Additional Classroom Cleaning Processes
1. Staff will clean, sanitize, and disinfect classrooms in the morning, during the day as needed, and at the close of the day, paying special attention to more frequently touched surfaces.
2 Assigned cleaners will clean common areas and outside and playgrounds after each group visits.
3. At the end of each day, teachers will sanitize toys, and directors will sanitize front entrances.
4. Public bathrooms in the Welcome center area will have Lysol spray and wipes so that each family can clean and sanitize after use.

Additional Practices to Control Spread of Germs
1. Increased modeling and directing children to cover coughs and sneezes.
2. If your child wakes up in the morning with a temp, please do not bring them to the center.
3. If your child develops a temp, parents will be called for immediate pickup.
4. Substitute staff will be called in if any teacher feels ill.


Working together to keep each child healthy and safe!