4 yrs. Old

Our Big Four's

FCBA IconCurriculum for Four’s

Our VPK students are also taught through age-appropriate learning centers, each child has an opportunity to experience activities with creativity and joy; to be able to reason, choose, think, talk, and communicate to enjoy learning to read out of basic curiosity to learn; to begin to know Bible thoughts and verses and to experience Bible truth.

FCBA staff is trained in both Wee Learn curriculum and the Florida State VPK standard to ensure our students are ready to the next step in their learning.

VPK Preschool Jacksonville

Ready, Set, Go!,  All about me, My Family & Me, Letter – M, Color– red, Shape– circle

My Favorite Things, Work and Play Together, Playful Pets, Wonderful, Wild Animals, God’s Fall Gifts: Apples Number Concepts, Letters – F & C, Color– yellow, Shape– square,

God’s Fall Gifts: Pumpkins/Fall leaves, Church Helpers, Safety Helpers – Fire Truck, Life on the Farm Letters – L, A, B, Color– orange, Shape– triangle

Sensational Senses, We thank God, Shapes, Signs and Symbols, Thanksgiving  Letters – D, X, E, Color– brown, Shape– rectangle

Sharing Christmas Joy, Christmas customs in other countries, Family celebrations, Letters – K, J, Color– green, Shape– star,  

God’s Winter Gifts, Snow and Ice, Polar bears & penguins, Dinosaurs Letters – R, T, P, L, Color– blue, Shape-diamond

Finding out about others/Dr. Martin Luther King, Communicating with One Another, Post Office, Dental Health,  Letters– H, V,D, Color– purple, Shape– heart,

Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Insects and spiders  Letters– Z, S, Y, Color– white, Shape– oval

Jump into Spring, Sun, Moon and Stars, Life in Bible Times/Easter, I take care of my world Letters– G, V, I, N, Color–black, Shape– rectangle,

Mother’s Day/Father’s Day, Water World, Alphabet, number, color and shape review.