Our VPK students will have their Graduation ceremony on May 20th at 10:00 a.m. in our Worship Center. This is such an exciting time for the graduates. We ask that they arrive at school as normal by 8:30 a.m. and they do not need to bring a back pack or anything with them that day.

We ask that the girls wear a white dress and that the boys wear dark pants and a white shirt. We will provide them with a paper graduation cap.

The children will have a program, a presentation of diplomas and then a reception on the front lawn of the church. (weather permitting) We will not open the doors until 9:30 a.m. to allow for the children to have a quick walk through the morning of the ceremony.

Parents should collect their child’s graduation pack when they enter the back of the worship center. It will contain your child’s medical records and other information you may need for kindergarten registration.

We will not be able to give you your child’s portfolio this year due to our Guiding Stars of Duval validation. However if you would like to pick it up during the Summer we will send the dates and times you can stop by.